
Ongi etorri Udazken Erdialdeko Jaiari eta ospatu Nazio Eguna

Lagun maiteak,
On this joyful day, I sincerely wish you all a fulfilling and beautiful life every day! Just as we are about to usher in China’s Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day, which is celebrated by the whole country, we will also suspend our daily operations. Therefore, from October 1st to October 7th, the office will be temporarily closed. During this period, if you encounter any problems or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via email info@denrotary.com Get in touch with us.
Eskerrik asko gure lanean etengabeko laguntzagatik eta konfiantzagatik. Une berezi honetan, espero dezagun elkarrekin Udazken Erdialdeko Jaialdiaren topaketa arrakastatsua izan dadin, eta opa diezaiogun guztioi osasun ona, familia zoriontsuak eta opor zoriontsuak!

Argitalpenaren ordua: 2024-09-14